Archive | August, 2017

A question

A question.  The why.  Time is racing by. The years keep flying by. Yet so many still are not telling their true story. Are not living a life of passion and fulfilled dreams. I spoke with someone yesterday about how so many are just phoning their life in.  Yet I have so many friends who […]

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These days

These days. You wonder will the center  hold. Will the better angels seize the hearts and minds of the people. Hour of the Wolf is that time when you wake up to the challenge. It becomes your individual choice.  How do you define yourself. Are you a hero or a victim. Choose to have a […]

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in these five breaths

each breath holds an answer. each breath tells a story. each breath is the first and last of its kind. it exists for only that moment.  think about it. amazing. your life exists in each breath and only in each breath. you live from breath to breath. take this moment to appreciate the gift of […]

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