A new history

Future history. It is not an oxymoron. We are creating our history by how we choose, decide and live each unfolding day. Our history, our legacy does not happen by itself. Nor can we simply wish or dream it to be something. It is the culmination of the life as we are living it.

So the present choices dictates our history that will be told and thought about years from now. Don’t live a haphazard life. Don’t toss it around like some meaningless tricket. There are consequences and then the history is written.

There is still time to choose wisely. There is still time to right the ship and change the course. Because, make no mistake about this one truth…you are living the unfolding destiny that will be your story. I met a good friend for lunch today. He has changed course and is excited about the horizon facing him.  It takes courage to see the path and shift it…even slightly. His future history is all new now.

I like that image…a new history.


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