A photograph and time travel

I remember seeing Thornton Wilder’s Our Town.  Grover’s Corner was the little town that stays with you.  It got me thinking about life, time and , not days, but minutes in the day.Emily died while giving birth and is permitted to return for one day to “re-live” it. She chooses her 12 th birthday. It becomes too painful. You realize, along with Emily, that people just don’t appreciate what they have while they have it. Literally every minute of the day.

Yet, we toss it away like loose change. But on the last day, each minute becomes the treasure.  Why is it that we don’t realize that as we are living it. In real time, so to speak. It is only later that we better understand. But as we get older we should slow down the rush of the day. Take a leisurely walk for no reason but to take a leisurely walk.

Tonight take an old photo out from years ago. Let it sit in your hands. Then slowly look at it. But really look at it. The background. Look at your clothes. Were they your favorites. What were you doing a minute before and a minute after the photo.  Why was the photo even taken. Travel back in time. That is what a photo is for. But then learn from it.


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