A state of grace

It had been quite a while since the Crossfit workout almost brought me to my knees and nausea. I mean they are all challenging and test your very fiber but this one was different. I don’t know why but just was. The 20 minutes ticked off like the clock was broken and only worked sporadically.  Maybe it was the Indian run as a warm up that set the tone.

But whatever it was we completed it and then stretched out. One crossfitter walked past me and commented that it was tough getting old. He was much younger than me. I smiled  and told him he was doing great.  Well, it got me thinking about what it means to be “doing great”. Some times we are so hard on ourselves. Some times we are our harshest critic. The inner voice just keeps at it. But how about giving ourselves a break. Just appreciate who we are for exactly who we are. Keep striving. Keep trying to make it better but appreciate that it is the honest effort that counts. Let your internal critic rest today. Give it time off .

So after a stretch we made our way to get some green tea at the local coffee/tea shop, celebrated the effort and headed home. We live in a state of grace if we just open our eyes to that truth and let the judge go home early.

The ageless experiment.


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