A walk through time

A walk. A simple, uncomplicated walk. Maybe a stroll. A stroll through a forest. Or maybe along the beach. How about over a mountain range. Not too hard. Nice slopes. Or warm sand between your toes. Maybe a walk through the mall or down the small town small shops. Not buying anything. No goal in mind. Just a walk through your time and life.

That is all it is after all. Just a walk through your story. Who you met. What you felt. Who you touched. Who touched or moved you. What you learned. What you taught someone. Life is just a walk through events.

It doesn’t have to have a destination. There really is none except the last stop. But that last stop awaits us all. Everything else is just a walk through  the gift of a day. One added to the next.

Can you see it that way. Reframe it all. Break it down to just a visitor in time. We are visitors to this blue globe.  Here . Then not. So take a walk today. For no other reason then to connect to the ground beneath you. The sky above you and the space we fill.

The ageless experiment.


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