Are you comfortable in your own skin. Maybe that is what it is all about. Just accepting yourself for exactly who you are, how you are and why you are. Not struggling with it all so much. Just being comfortable in your own skin.
There are times that you walk into a room filled with people and you sense it. The topic of discussion can be almost anything, yet you are drawn to some over others. Why.
Could it be that you sense the ones that are the tangible embodiment of the intangible concept. They don't merely talk about decency…rather they are decent. They don't merely talk about honor…rather they are honorable. They are noble as opposed to merely chattering about what noble is all about.
Can you enter the world of the intangible. As real as a table and chair are so is the concept of decency,honor , nobility and agelessness. Not merely talk about ageless but rather be ageless . Being the tangible embodiment of the intangible concept…being ageless.
Is that the secret. Living the belief. Inhabiting your own skin fully and being comfortable in it. Living outside the definition. Living outside the old concepts. Not buying into what others have already bought. Living your life and not merely discussing living your life. There is that duality again.


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