As I walked around the garden, I saw the snake skin lying between the slats in the wood gate that separated the shell pathway from the dry river bed.
I hadn't seen the skin the day before.
But there it was.
The snake had shed its skin sometime that night.
It got me thinking about growth and change.
The skin is shed in order to grow, change, heal and morph.
We also are not trapped by circumstance, past events, old grudges, minor slights, earlier defeats or errors.
We have the power to shed those events.
We have the ability to wiggle free of the old nonsenses, self imposed definitions or prisons that others try to lock us in.
We have the absolute right to shed the past and leave it on the steps of time and move on.
New, revived and free.
So today, without resentment or regret, shed the negative, let it slip away.
Others may not understand.
Unlike the snake skin it can not be seen, but you will know exactly where and when you shed the old stuff that was no longer working and embraced the new day.
The ageless experiment.


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