Buddha sits there quietly. Buddha stares straight ahead with a gentle peaceful look.
The Tibetan prayer flags hang over the entry way. The breeze causes the flags to sway giving a sense of connection between flag, nature, home and spirit.
By the dry river bed Buddha sits, arms resting on his lap, in silent meditation.
A sense of calm surrounds the home.
A sense of protection,
A sense of oneness.
A sense of clarity.
Maybe that is why Sanibel is so unique.
An island.
A nature preserve.
A spirit.
A reality that calm can be an actual part of your life and transform you.
The shell paths permit you to wander through a sense of possibility of what you can still be.
Buddha and the prayer flags welcome you into that possibility.
Sanibel is as much a state of mind as it is an island get away.
The ageless experiment.


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