Can you simply agree that today you will enjoy your life…no matter what comes your way.
Can you smile at the slips. Laugh with the misspoken word and embrace being an imperfect perfect person.
Imperfection is in our DNA. It is our charm. It is our uniqueness. Don't hide it.
Embrace it. Salute it. Acknowledge it.
It will make your day so much easier. So much lighter.
Not having to be perfect…impossible anyway…takes the stress out of the day.
It doesn't mean you don't give your best. It doesn't mean you don't perform at your peak. It doesn't mean you don't strive to present all of you today.
What it does mean is that if and when it falls short or misses the mark, you not keep beating yourself up and reliving the event that can never be relived but in your head.
You let go. Straighten yourself up. Nod to being human and get on with getting on.
Shut the inner noise off. Turn the self critic off. Turn on the knowing that you are handed the gift of the day and are playing it the best way you know how.
Enjoy yourself today. What option do you have anyway.
How to stay vibrant? Embrace your day…wrinkles and all.
You earned it.
The ageless experiment.


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