Fight the madness

Madness. How else to describe it. Absolute madness. Not only the shooting. Not only the deaths. Not only the ages of the children. Not only the  devastating loss. But the helpless feeling. The hopeless feeling. The sense of lack of any rationality to it. How to respond. How to react. What to believe.

A moment of loss of innocence and the innocent. As I drove around puzzled by it all, again, Willie Nelson came on…Angel Flying Close to the Ground. I wrote about that song before but now it resonated even more. These children were angels flying too close to the ground. How to go on as a parent with such loss. How to get your brain around it all. I don’t know. I don’t know if anyone does.

Life has these moments. Moments of incredible madness. When this happens the madness also includes the meaningless chatter by the media and the politicians about fiscal cliffs and false , made up crisis of the moment.  Stop. Just stop the nonsense. Can’t we see the meaning to the moment. How each one counts. How each is the first and last one.

How to fight the madness? I don’t know other than to be grateful for each single moment. To live in a state of grace. To appreciate each other. To stop trying so hard to make a point. It is time to stop the madness.  To just be present with those who matter


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