Fighting against the ordinary

An endangered species. Ever think about the endangered species. I am not talking just about certain animals that may have been put on some such list. But rather certain qualities in people that seem endangered these days.  We get so used to the mediocrity that we don’t even recognize the truly exceptional any longer. We seem to celebrate the nonsense to such a fine point that we can’t see the extraordinary that lives right in our midst.

The merely passable has become so celebrated that the unique qualities of a higher caliber of life are passed over or not even understood.  What does that say about where we are in our journey. Don’t you want to just grab a lunch or coffee or glass of wine with someone who takes you away from the sameness of just playing it oh so safe and risk free. Don’t you want to venture into a world of extraordinary and feel what it feels like. Seek out the endangered specie ones in your life. Can you recognize them.

I called up to have lunch with such a friend recently. It was traveling into an altered universe. There was humor, light, wisdom and it was made to look so effortless. Make an appointment with such a person today. Just enjoy the change from the rest of the day.


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