High noon and destiny

Sooner or later there is always a high noon. Sooner or later we must face that which causes us the most fear and sleepless nights. Sooner or later, the courage must be tapped into in order to walk down any street in your mind’s eye and know that the ability and courage to withstand the tests we are confronted with in life can be met and overcome.

Don’t be fearful of the challenge. Embrace it. Have faith in your ability to overcome the bully that toys with your mind and emotions. Life is too short to run and hide behind some wall. Life is meant to be experienced to the full tilt of it all.

Since no one gets out of life alive, it has to be lived completely. Maybe that is why the movie High Noon always stays with me. The lone figure walking down the dusty streets of Hadleyville to face his ultimate nemesis. While other hide from the challenge, you know ,it must be confronted.  Otherwise you accept a life of wishful thinking but nothing more.

Sooner or later you must face your personal high noon. Do it with courage and a glint in the eye the shows you understand that it can’t be any other way.  Release into the destiny of the moment.


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