Hour of the wolf…an experiment in ageless living

Hour of the Wolf…An Experiment in Ageless Living.

The book is being finalized and getting ready to come out.

What does the title mean?  The hour of the wolf is the 2-3 am time of night. The darkest time. The witching hour. The midnight mind. The time to come to terms with the choices made, the promises kept, the regrets to be dealt with and the opportunity to adjust the game plan and move on successfully to the next chapter in your life.

An experiment in ageless living is a key ingredient in this journey. It is understanding that you have time to tweak the plan, assess where you are and correct the course. We picked up and moved on to the next chapter in our lives. Why? Why not!

Nothing is in concrete.  Everything can be rearranged. But you must believe it to be so. So don’t give up on yourself. In fact, double down on you and your story. And get ready for the book!




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