
I hadn’t seen him in a long time. Just the way life is sometimes. Our paths just hadn’t crossed for a bit. But then there he was.  It was at a local farmers market. You know that place on a weekend to pick up fresh fruits and vegetables and assorted local dishes. I didn’t recognize him at first.  But then I did.  Something was off.  Yes, time takes its toll on us all. Life gets lived and choices have consequences. We chatted for a bit. Shared a few stories and promised to stay in touch.  What I noticed later was that he was joyless. It just seemed all “old ” and weary to him. I thought about it for a bit.  Joy. It is so critical to the day. To a life. To appreciate the gift of the day and a life. Don’t let it get old or weary. Joy. Bring it into your story.  It will change everything.


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