Living the adventure now

Living in the moment. Focused on the now. Being committed to the very day. How hard is that to do? We seem to be always thinking about our next move. Our tomorrow or next week issue. Yet everything is happening in this one moment in time. Life is unfolding second by second. Can we simply be part of it as it unfolds.

Don’t you want to attend your own life? Don’t you want to be the lead player in your own life story?  Can you let go of the fear of some tomorrow moment that may never be and appreciate the gift of the now?

Decide to participate in your day completely. Maybe that is the secret of motorcycles and Crossfit. The moment, the now, the immediate is life. All in at the very time that it counts. So decide. Whatever you are doing live it large. Participate in this adventure. Only then does time stand still. The anti-aging cure? This moment of your life. It is ageless.


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