Tag Archives | hour of the wolf

Hour of the Wolf

It is all about time. What it is. How we spend it. Do we appreciate it. Do we even understand it. I write about whether the quality of life is truly appreciated. Think about it. Consider your choices. Reflect on your meaning each day. What you do is who you are. Live in the world […]

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Hour of the Wolf

Time has always fascinated me. It is so precious and yet so many put it in the back seat as they focus on less important things. Yet, time is the one asset that can never be duplicated or replaced. Each moment could be the last with that special person. The last hug. The last kiss. […]

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The if only choice

A good friend, who wrote a wonderful review of Hour of the Wolf, asked a question at dinner recently in Miami. Nothing like old friends catching up and enjoying the mutual history of the successes, failures and lessons that are life. Three friends toasting and realizing how fortunate we are. Yes, we all went through […]

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The improbable possible

In Hour of the Wolf, I write about the meaning of a single day. One day. Nothing more. Nothing less. And I write about not filling the day up with stuff, but rather, what is the meaning of one single day. Standing all alone. An empty vessel thst you choose to live in and fill […]

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Experience your life

The question seemed simple enough. It was not complex. It could be easily understood. Yet, it caused those who heard it to pause. Reflect. Search. Look puzzled. Smile then try to answer. What are you doing with this crazy experiment that is called your life? Your life. Your one and only. You know the Hour […]

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Begin the climb

As the year comes to a close and we await 2014… Truly hard to believe that number…make yourself a promise. A pledge. Take a solemn oath. This coming year don’t phone your days in. Don’t settle for crumbs. Don’t be afraid to live the day. What does 100% of you feel like. As each day […]

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The book of your life

The day comes when the book is found on your nightstand. You open it up and each page is blank. The age that you find it differs from person to person. But sooner or later the book is found. An empty book. Each page blank. Yet, the time will come when each page is filled. […]

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Look up and find your life

We looked up. That was it. We just looked up. It was night. It was dark. It was chilly but not cold and we looked up. The night sky was filled with stars. It goes on forever. Earth is just one other dot in the tapestry that we know as the universe. The universe. Massive. […]

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Invite the Hour of the Wolf into your life

It just made sense. In one blink of an eye it cleared up. As if the clouds parted and clarity appeared. Think about what matters. Really. What will you look back on with pride and want to share as a living legacy of your time here. What is important to you. Unique and meaningful to […]

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