The bear crawl at 6:30 am was something to feel, do, experience and chuckle about. Yes, hands and feet over the length of the warehouse, again and again and again. Then the full workout. As 7:30 approached my shirt was soaked through and everything hurt in a good way. An alive way.
Picked up some coffee on the way home. I saw them at the coffee shop.
The whole sense was upsetting to me. Everyone was rude to each other. All rushing somewhere. All on bluetooths as if they were waiting for the President to call to ask about the red button. All exasperated that time was taking its time. Rush, hurry, zipping along with no place else to go but another stop so they could rush, hurry and zip some more.
What have we created.
They were out of balance and out of sorts.
I wanted to tell them about the bear crawl but decided, on second thought, not to intrude on their rushing to discuss a moment of balance, sweat and appreciation of the gift of time.
Time. How do you treat it. A burden? A gift? An annoyance or with gratitude. In the ageless experiment the choice is easy.


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