The beauty is in the innocence. The beauty is in the simplicity of the action. The beauty is in the acceptance of the exact moment you are. That is not a half a sentence. That is the full sentence. The exact moment you are.
And then it is gone. Never to return.
The gym is really a warehouse. Very basic.The exercises are really just using stuff you could find around the house but it is in one small contained spot.
The time is limited. No resting here. In and out. You are here to work,get it done and move on.
No excuses. No breaks. Live it, sweat it, feel it, believe it and then accept it.
And such is any effort in life. This part is just in a gym. The challenge is the same no matter the age.. Never stop testing yourself.
She never stops testing herself.
She never stop expanding her horizon.
Don't believe that it is too late. That is a story told by those who stopped. That is not her.
She is amazing. At any age she is amazing.
In fact, I have no idea any longer what her age is….I believe it is ageless..


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