The lesson of loss

Loss. The emptiness. The place where someone stood or sat is vacant. The call. The voice. The shared histories and moments of joy and sadness. Relationships are all part of the stories of a life.
As I work my way through these losses I keep thinking how fragile and precious each moment is. How we so often treat our time so shabbily.
We fret when we should be laughing. We worry when we should be forgiving. We argue when we should be agreeing. We take when we should give.
The lessons from loss must be to recommit to our life. To stand tall. Laugh loud. Live large and fearlessly.
Loss is a way of reminding ourselves that each moment matters. Considering that we will all be in the “loss column” sooner or later, let’s agree to relax, chill, let go and move on to fill the day with those who matter. The lesson of loss must be a positive turn in our life. Reframe. Re-do. Replay. Assess. Adjust. Begin again.


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