The moments of a life.
How many exactly.
There really is no good or bad. Those are labels we place on things.
Any adjective is man created. Rather it is the unfiltered moment that is real.
Life is the moments connected.
The story unfolds minute by minute. Choice by choice.
In the end it is the sum of the minutes, the sum of the choices that define the journey. It is not some self imposed label.
Don't label the moment. Just experience it.
Don't judge it. Just participate in it.
Be in the moment. To many people step outside the moment and adjectiveize it.
Fight the urge to live outside your life.
Embrace living in your life.
The Thanksgiving misadventures are playing out.
But watching the family support, help, love, care and be present for each other convinces me that it is a family living in grace.
Some make light of the concept of a nonmaterial world that can guide us through challenging times.
I have witnessed the power of the intangible.
It is experiencing the present of the great unknown…the great all knowing…the ONE.
The ageless experiment.


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