The motorcycle, the moment, the gift

Something about the motorcycle crossing the mountain range that brought clarity to the day. Before , the day was filled with agenda items and to do lists. It was filled with chatter and more chatter. As many people who were talking it still felt like everyone was alone in their own mini drama. Yet on the motorcycle it was silent but for the wind and the vision of the twisting open road.

It finally hit me. It is the appreciation of the moment. Not trying to fill the moment with anything else. We all try  to keep finding things to fill the day when it is the day…the moment itself…that is the gift.

Can you just enjoy right where you are  for exactly what it is…the gift of the moment. Whether on a motorcycle, a horse, a walk through the park or just holding the hand of your love, be present.  Shut everything off and introduce yourself to you today.

The ageless experiment.


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