The push to be there

We just pushed ourselves. We simply kept at it. Afterward we met a dear friend for a drink and dinner. We shared stories, good wishes, heart felt thanks for being there for each other and gratitude. We knew each others highs , lows, missteps and grand moments and took it all in.

The pushing and keeping at it was at Crossfit but it translates to pushing and keeping at it for friends, thick and thin. High and low moments. All of it makes up the texture of a life. Too many people give up on the effort, their friends or themselves if the waters get a bit choppy. But it is that very moment when the push and the keeping at it needs to be there.

Life is too short to hold anything back. For what exactly. Be there for those who count. Forgive the human imperfections of those who matter. We all have our moments of needing forgiveness.

So today…push and keep at it. Be there for those who matter. Let go and forgive and be present in your life and the life of those who have been there for you.


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