The quiet

It was early as I headed out for the morning Crossfit. As my car crossed the expansion bridge I heard some horns honking and saw a few cars cutting other cars off and everyone ,it seemed, was on a phone or texting…whether in a car or on a bike or walking on the street. It all felt surreal to me. The only words that flashed through my mind were..what happened?

As my car made its way to the box…as we lovingly call the workout area…the words kept popping into my head. Then I thought what would happen if we just became quiet for a bit. I just thought about a more peaceful time. A more gentle way to do things. The quiet. A silence. A getting along. A cooperation in the air.  Quiet has an important place in our lives.  It has value. It is worthy of our attention.  When did we let it slip away?  Can we recapture it?

I like to think we can. We are still strong enough to seize back the quiet from all the chatter.  How about walking quietly today.  Release. Let go and find your quiet spot.

The ageless experiment.


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