The sum of our choices

What has value. What has worth. What is wealth. It gets so confusing these days when 24/7 everything splashes the trivial and the shallow as anything but trivial and shallow. Yet along the way you see wealth in its purest sense.

The treadmill seems important when you see everyone on it until you leave the room. Then you realize, as the saying goes that in the kingdom of the blind ,the one eyed man is king.

Can we redefine wealth. Can we let go and open our eyes , or at least, one eye, and see the larger story. The connection to something more. Someone asked me recently what was the meaning of it all. I don’t know. But what I do believe is that how we choose to live our life each day is the meaning of our life.

So choose wisely. We are the sum of our choices. And that becomes the meaning of our life.

I am so appreciative of all the comments made by this community of friends who have joined together in an ageless experiment.


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