The unexpected.

It is always there. Sometimes lurking. Sometimes kind of even expected .  But not.  The unexpected. Not have to be bad or good. Just not anticipated at that moment in time or in your life. The accident.  The injury.  The wrong turn. The right turn and happy surprise. The good news. The sudden sad news.  The expected unexpected. It seems that how we deal with it defines who we are.  The illness. The surgery.  The disease. The windfall. The moment that could change it all. It happens.  The loss. The sudden empty spot where someone just was.  I think back to our talks. Our walks. Our laughs. Our sharing life moments. It happened a year ago but feels like today. The empty place. So what to do?  Appreciate. Live gratefully. Consider each moment a moment of grace. An endangered species. It is there. Waiting. So live each moment like it counts.  Because it does.


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