The winter of choices

The cold has been challenging. Minus weather is new for us. -9 in the morning but we ventured out to Crossfit. The workout got us warm and sweaty. The drive home reminded me of earlier times when we were growing up in New York and the winter months made each day an adventure. One year the snow was so deep that my dad put on snowshoes to make it out of the neighborhood to try to get some groceries.
Life is such a puzzle. I know the seasons of the year but we have to adjust to the seasons in a life.
Each season has value. Each season has meaning. The road changes. The terrain presents challenges. You can either be frozen in place or recognize that you are faced with a choice. Keep doing what you are doing even though it is not working for you anymore or venture out. Risk, courage, redemption, resurrection, salvation are all linked together in the choices we make. But the choice must be made. The winter months are upon us. I know that. I embrace the truth. But that does not mean that life should not be lived fully, completely, wholeheartedly. Otherwise, you deny the total journey and live only a partial life. So seize the winter just as you did the summer. You are worth it.


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