Touching the void

We were so young when we moved into this house. 32 years ago. I remember when we first moved in. The house was abandoned and lonely. It was dark and so desparately needing in light. And we arrived. We walked in and decided to save the house. Slowly we started. Stripping the old wallpaper off and painting. Tearing down walls and putting up lights, crystals and music. We filled this space with laughter, music, and dreams of what it and we could be.

Families came together. The kitchen became the hub of the house.  Everyone gathered around the island in the kitchen. We would sit in a circle in the living room and give praise to the day, to friends, to family and to the house that became our home.

A home. And now this is our last night here. The movers come tomorrow. We toasted the house. We thanked it for taking care of us. We thanked it for caring for us. I believe that one day it will be discovered that memories survive. Memories take on a life of their own. And so with a tear in our eyes, a lump in our throat, we bow our heads in prayer and give thanks.

Connect with the space that you live in. Touch the void and be part of the infinity that is life.  As we say good bye we know that the home remembers and carries our dreams forward as we move on.

The ageless experiment.


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