Value and your word

What has value. What has worth. What brings meaning to your day.  It just seemed so clear to me.  It starts with good intentions. The words and deeds mean nothing without the good intentions. How often do we hear the right things said but we just know the positive intention does not back the words up at all. You find out that it is just some shell game.

But why.  Who wins when no one means what they are saying.  Wouldn’t you just rather not even play if you knew it was rigged or the rules were going to change in mid effort.

But I have to believe that we are better than what is passing as decency today. So a few ideas going forward. It you say it, mean it or just don’t say it. If you commit to do something, do it or just don’t commit in the first place. Act to your higher power. Answer to your better nature.

Someone once told me that we should each bring out the other’s better qualities. I like that concept. So tomorrow be that one who brings out the other’s better qualities. You might find your own that way too.

The ageless experiment


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