
I took the Harley out. Turned on to 119 heading to Golden. At Route 72 turned right into Coal Creek Canyon. It gets twisty at spots. Switchbacks and curves fill up the miles of riding. Turn right to get to Nederland. That is where I got off to grab some coffee before heading down the 17 mile road to Boulder. It was a full morning of riding the high country. The word that kept repeating itself to me was “why”. Why anything. What are we doing here. What is the meaning. There seems to be such nonsense, violence and pain these days. Small levels and grand levels. Why? What is the end game? Ever wonder why? As I rode it seems to me that simply being decent and caring about others has been lost in the mix of the day. Don’t lose your decency. Don’t stop caring. There is nothing else. Truly. Nothing else. When it seems just crazy ask why and them do the right thing.


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