The creator

We are the creator of our life story.  We are the author of the story that is our life.  Always remember that as you choose which road to travel. The question is why we would not create a hero’s journey. Why would we not be the noble, honorable, decent one who speaks the truth… your […]

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It always comes down to choices. That is all it is. Choices. Be kind of not. Be gracious or not. Be noble or not. Be decent or not. Be honourable or not. Be bold or not. Be fearless or not. Be authentic or not. See the beauty or not. See the magic or not. See […]

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Living without expectations is tougher than it sounds. Yet over time I have learned that it is the best way to travel in life. It there are always expectations then it impacts my current choices.  I end up second guessing myself at every turn. Have faith in your decisions. You are wiser than you realize. […]

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Over the years I have come to the conclusion that beauty is that person who is comfortable in their own skin.  That one who owns who they are and is good with the journey they are on. So many people are constantly fastening a mask to themselves.  Pretending to be who they are not. But […]

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The House on Genesis Road

Sooner or later you must reintroduce yourself to the 6th stranger. The 6th stranger is you. Over the years you have worn so many masks and disguises that you forgot your true essence. Your purpose. Your story. It is time to look yourself in the mirror. Reintroduce yourself to you. Do you remember what your […]

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The House on Genesis Road

Sooner or later a choice must be made. But the choice can’t be made until you come to terms with the 6th stranger.  When you remove the mask and finally greet yourself. Only then can you choose wisely. Hope you can read The House on Genesis Road

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The House on Genesis Road

There is this house. A sanctuary. A place where anything is possible. Love and light fill this house with hope, faith and possibilities. Create a safe haven for you and your family at your own home.  Make your home a place of magic and spiritual meaning and purpose. There is a world where goodness strives […]

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It is so easy to get lost. It is so easy to just wait.  It is so easy to be silent in the face of outrage. Sometimes it feels like nothing can change the out of control train from crashing through the safely nets. But we weren’t made for easy. Waiting is no longer an […]

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Broken Toys

Whether it is physical, emotional, spiritual, in business or in a profession or a combination of these, sometimes don’t you feel like a broken toy. A bit beat up, bruised, torn, missing a needed part to be a useful toy or just being last season’s model. And yet all you want is to feel  whole, […]

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How do you capture the moment

It all goes by so fast.  The kids are all grown up. The grandkids are growing up and soon will be beginning the next chapter of their lives. When I look in the mirror I see me but I know I am older and hopefully wiser. But I also know that I am in a […]

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