February 19: Certain dates just stay with you. Certain dates are an anniversary of sorts and the meaning lingers because of the change that takes place. Yes, there are birth-dates and wedding anniversariy dates. But right now let's talk about some other dates that change your life and then become your spiritual number. We are […]
But are the intentions honorable. Isn't that the ultimate question. There are words, actions and reactions. Eloquent words can be so misleading. Simple words can be so profound.Putting aside all the words it comes down to intentions. Some say that the true essence of a person is found in their intentions.Intentions are the silent part […]
February 18: The songs of Leonard Cohen touch a spot that few singer/songwriters can touch for me. Seing him in concert was an event. We were taken to a world that includes glory in the effort…even a failed effort. "Bird on a Wire" and "The Traitor" always swirl around in my mind. The critics. The […]
The doctor is world renowned. A book is written about his life. An inspirational book about his journey to discover his gift of healing. A special person who performs incredible concise surgeries.When I met him it was pivotal. He took my hand in his, looked into my eyes and said it is time.The time is […]
There is nothing quite like it really.A quiet, lazy Sunday wandering through a quaint, out of the way, not franchise type, local bookstore. You find it by accident.It has books that are some of the owner's favorites or it is a theme bookstore that has all kinds of surprises waiting you.Boulder has a few such […]
February 16: We don't really know the moment it happens. But it does happen. The clouds part, the fog lifts. The mind quiets. Clarity appears. Clarity. Understanding. Meaning. Internal conflict dissolves. A peace descends over us as we arrive at clarity. Purpose. The why is finally answered. Each why is different because each journey is […]
The labyrinth. Sooner or later we are faced with it. Either actual or in our mind. The maze of avenues, ideas, choices, decisions, judgment calls and then movement out of it. There may even be a minotaur or two in the maze waiting to confront and misdirect us. How to navigate the mazes we are […]
Valentine's eve and the barnfire was burning bright. The group was gathered in their friend's backyard celebrating a combination of events. Valentine's Day, a birthday, a wedding and the knowledge that this combination of friends, at this time, was unique and may never be quite the same again. Maybe for no other reason than each […]
February 14: Shapeshifting was the subject of the day. The ability to transform oneself completely. So many cultures, myths, legends and even movies address it. Today it is everywhere in film but usually in science fiction-horror films. You know wolfman, vampires, aliens of all shapes and sizes. But as we sat in the shaman circle, […]
The Triumph Scrambler glides over the bridge from the mainland onto the island. From the bridge it is a short hop to the lighthouse at the eastern tip of the island. The bike settles onto the gravel parking lot facing the sand,shells and water. There is drift wood floating in and a starfish lies on […]

My name is Paul. I love my family, travel, CrossFit, motorcycles, and living every day without boundaries. I write about the people, beliefs & actions that shape us.
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