Archive | December, 2011

I saw her out of the corner of my eye as the truck made its ways down US 1. Her hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail. Her age was tough to call….late 30s ? She was wearing cutoffs and a pink top. She once was pretty. She once was the girl in high […]

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She will always be 18 to me. I know it sounds trite or bogus. But it is my truth. I met her when she was 18. I see that girl inside the woman. The eyes are the same. The voice is the same. The style, personality, core beliefs, compassion and decency is the same. What […]

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The doctor reexamined my shoulder. It had been weeks since the motorcycle fall. The shoulder was separated. But it was healing. Accidents. Don't let it slow you down. Keep risking. Keep challenging yourself. You must be all used up before it ends. Wouldn't it be a tragedy to have more to spend in the last […]

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We know we are the sum of our choices. We know that when you do the adding and subtracting of decisions made it equals the life lived. You see the sum of the choices all the time. Think about it. It matters. As we know, no one gets out of life alive, so playing it […]

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Grace. When has it entered your life. When have you felt its presence.Grace.What form has it taken.Did you even recognize it when it appeared.Is it all around you but you can't see it because it gets crowded out by the graceless, noisy, nonsense of the day.I usually see it in nature.I usually see it in […]

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The light comes through the glass door. The room is dark but for that light.The silence fills the house. Not a sound but for the quiet heartbeat of the house.In the distance I hear a train as it must be crossing an intersection and giving it's toot of here it is. It is far away […]

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