Alive and well

The packing continues. The pictures are coming down off the walls. The boxes are filling up each room. The years and memories are being boxed up and labeled. We slowly walk from room to room.  The stories are still there.

But then I saw it sitting in the bottom of a draw that hadn’t been cleaned in years. It had to be there for 20 or 30 years. It was waiting to be found. It seems so minor yet means so much.

You see my dad died too young. So did my mom. Now, at my age, I realize how very young they were.  But before the illnesses and deaths, there were simple hopes and dreams. And there it was. A handmade money clip. One one side he had soldered a half dollar coin and on the other he had cut out his initials in metal and also soldered the pieces onto the other side. He was so proud of it. And there it was …alive and well…now in my hands. Made by his hands now in mine. We are connected again. Through metal and spirit  he is here again. ML are the initials. My two daughters first name initials now.

I roll it around in my hand. It will go on a shelf in the new place. Old and new. Yesterday and today. Solder and soul.

Alive and well in the ageless experiment.


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