The top

You’re the top!
As I drove to run some errands…picking up the Triumph Scrambler…that was serviced, You’re the Top came up on the radio. Cole Porter’s joyful song.
From a time long gone, it just hit the spot.
Find it and listen to it. It will take you on a journey to a simpler time. Nothing but appreciation of one person to another. A trip through history.
For some reason, a tear came to my eye. It was like a time tunnel to ice boxes, milkman home deliveries, a decency in spirit where it was not about stuff and consumerism, but rather about connecting to the universal core that ties us all together in this improbable life experiment.
When was the last time you said or someone said to you….you’re the top!
Don’t try so hard. Relax. There is peace in the easy relaxed simple relationships of appreciating the day and your fellow travelers.
So today…let it be said, in all you do and try to do….you’re the top.


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