Do you really believe that what you see is all there is to be seen. What you hear is all there is to be heard. What you smell are the only smells. What you touch are the only things to be touched. What you taste are the only tastes. Do you really believe that the universe you experience is the only universe to be experienced.
Do you really believe that the visible world is the only world that you wander through.
You have to believe that that is just not so. That is the beauty of this journey. Our experience can keep on expanding. Our senses can keep on discovering new worlds to explore.
We can be adventurers in our own life's exploration.
Do you really believe that how you have defined yourself, limited yourself, reduced yourself, cornered yourself is the only you there can be.
Open your heart and soul to the possibilities that you don't know.
The comment was made that we shouldn't try something at "our age".
What age is that exactly. When did the universe start shrinking for you. When did the world you only see become the world there only is.
Live the possibility that there is more. Live the possibiity that you are more.
An ageless experiment.


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