The sense of awe. Not awe in the sighting of a shooting star on a dark night on Tiger Key in the Everglades. Not awe in the canoe skimming the surface of the water and watching a stingray glide under it. Not awe in the setting sun filling the evening sky with all the colors of the rainbow.
I mean a sense of awe in just being here. A sense of awe in just sitting next to someone you love. A sense of awe in holding your child in your arms as he falls asleep. A sense of awe in hearing your grandchildren say,for the first time, "love you".
A sense of awe in just being part of the universal, cosmic dance at this moment in time.
Have we become so weary,so cosmopolitan, so jaded to the awe of what it took to just be here that we miss the everyday moments that are awesome in every way.
Don't lose your sense of awe in just working out or sitting down to have a glass of wine on a lonesome,quiet night or just resting after a great workout.
Awe is not for the newly minted only. It is a daily challenge to witness and participate in the awe of life as it is lived. A wink, a glance, a hug, a touch. Recapture awe in your life. The million of automatic things your body, mind, soul, spirit does from moment to moment. Awe. An ageless experiment.


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