Soul of the Earth

Soul of the earth.
He stands there with his arms folded looking into the distance.
He is looking past the ordinary and into the extraordinary.
I don’t know his name.
The blanket he is wearing is brown, white and tan. Earth tones.
The paint on his face is white and red.
His face is a picture of a person at peace.
Not only comfortable in his own skin but totally content at his place in the larger story.
Whenever the day seems to want to get away from us I see him and just know.
There is the larger story.
The bigger event than the latest “big” deal.
Nothing phases him.
He has seen it all.
The artist captured his essence.
I just always called him…the soul of the earth.
He stands silent. Yet he has always spoken to me.
Sometimes silence is the most profound expression of life.
The ageless experiment.


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