It was a sunday afternoon. There was a chill in the air and the whales could be seen as they broke the surface of the Pacific. The swing was made of wood. The ropes that connected the swing to the tree branches were long enough that while swinging you could swing out off the cliff and over the ocean.
So there you are. Swinging out as the whales are breaking the surface. 
You wander over to the shaman prayer circle and walk its pattern looking out over the waves crashing on the rocks below.
You cross a wooden bridge and enter the meditation house. There is nothing in it but cushions leaning against the floor to ceiling windows looking out over the waterfall.
Some ask but what is there to do there. What activities. What movies or restaurants are around. Are there first run movies. Are there five star restaurants.
A smile crosses your face. You just swung over the ocean. Meditated over a waterfall. Walked a prayer circle listening to the waves crashing below. Watched the whales. You are part of the moment. Not an outsider. Not a witness to other stories. You are part of the unfolding story.
Be part of the moment you are living. Laugh loud. Dance whether others are watching or not. Love completely. Live ageless.


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