She stood at the counter as excited as you could get. She couldn't have been more than 12 years old. Her grandfather stood beside her. She was hopping up and down as she looked at which donut she would choose.
I put my morning paper and coffee on the counter. Next in line to pay.
She kept hopping up and down and just missed knocking over the coffee.
She looked up at me. Her glasses were thick and covered most of her face. She had the blemishes on her face that most young boys and girls have at that age.
Her grandfather turned to apologize to me for the near miss. The little girl looked up and smiled wide and said sorry I didn't see the cup. Grandpa can I have that donut over there…pointing to the chocolate glaze one.
Sure thing he responded.
As they left the store I thought how absolutely sweet and genuine that moment was, that child was, the brief exchange was. They were both beautiful…no matter the age, the glasses, the blemishes. They were compassion. They were love.
It told a story of innocence, joy for the simplicity of it all, and the love between a grandpa and his grandchild.
Find the innocence today in the simple. Enjoy the moment of just picking out the donut you want to enjoy. Be conscious. Be present. Look at your child and smile at the day.


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