It seems so clear to the child. They key is less; not more. Saying it in fewer words. Doing it in less movement. No need to rationalize or justify actions.
The sage advise is always the best advise. A child already knows that.
Less is more.
Subtle is powerful.
Slight motion can be more effective then large motion.
Soft overtakes the hard.
The rigid cracks sooner or later.
And so on your ageless journey relax into your life.
Let it unfold effortlessly. You are already here. Here is the only there.
Your story will unfold naturally if not rushed. It is nature but working at the human level.
You can not rush the crops. You can not rush your life. Enjoy where you are when you are.
In the ageless experiment you embrace the here. Right now. Right where you are at this very moment. Relish it.
The child knows. Look into your child's eyes and see the now, the here, the moment. See infinity all in your child's eyes. A child knows there is only the now and here. It is time to recapture that truth.
Look into your child's eyes and see yourself. Then simply be present.


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