March 4: A state of coolness. A way of being cool. Ever notice that when we know we are not being true to our pure essence, we are going against the very grain of what we honesty believe, we get heated. The skin gets "hot". We get flushed. We feel like we have a fever.
Is it the stress or getting anxious because we know that we have permitted ourselves to be moved away from our own truth.
We question the sincerity of the decision or choice we made. We simply can not hide from ourselves. No matter how we say it,we inherently know our truth. And we lose our state of coolness.
Always drawn to Steve McQueen. He was known as the king of cool. It was his persona.
What is your persona. Ae you true to you. Can you live in the state of coolness.
Violations of ethical standards in business or your personal life have a physical consequence and an idenitifying feature.
it is the loss of being cool.
Rather such violations result in a stressed, hot and flush zone of existence.
Maintain your center. Live your truth and reside in the land of cool.
It is an ageless experiment.
Can you make choices so that you are the king of cool in your world.


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