March 2: The Razor's Edge is what led us to the Himalayas. Written in 1944 by W. Somerset Maugham, I found it first in my early 20s and then read and reread it throughout the years.
It is said that the road to salvation is as narrow as the edge of a razor.
And so we contiune our journey through life trying to stay on balance and focused through the multi-challenges of our story.
The focus of the book is Larry. He travels,finally, to the mountains to find the deeper meaning of his life.
And so we headed to the mountains searching for the deeper meaning. Not surface. Not shallow. Not transitory. But deeper.
We each found answers for ourselves that we brought back and have carried with us ever since.
Our meaning. But it is not needed to travel to a far off land to find your meaning.
Take the journey inside to the internal mountain range and see all that is you.
The razor's edge. It is a timeless and ageless journey.


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