All the good and bad things in life so often happen in a split second unexpectedly.
That is why each second counts.
It was just your typical pulling into the driveway.
It was just your typical turning of the handlebars.
It was just your typical mind on the next thing moment.
Then the gravel under the back tire does what gravel does to back tires and the Warrior goes down…hard.
With me under it.
As my shoulder hit the gravel..hard..then the bike on top..I thought …split seconds.
After hospital, doctors, x-rays, slings and options, I get back to the afternoon.
We will see what happens next.
The bike is back up.
The arm is in sling and another blessing is there.
Seconds. Moments.
As we sat in the emergency room, we commented on the unexpected.
This is why each moment is not a throwaway.
Pay attention to your life.
Let the healing begin.
Hold on to your moments.
Also, live with risk in your life, even if the fall is there from time to time.
It has been said that living too safely is just not dying.
Just not dying is not living.
The ageless experiment.


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