About Paul

Author Archive | Paul

Courage in uncertain times

I have been writing about courage in uncertain times. The only way to meet today’s challenges is to have a brave heart. The hero’s journey requires courage. We are living in days of uncertainty.  Between natural events or manmade crisis of one sort or another we find ourselves questioning the very fabric of who we […]

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In These Five Breaths

Think about it.  Breath is life. Without breath there is no life. Yet we breathe in and out all day and take it for granted. But without breath life does not exist. And it hits you … with these five breaths life is or is not. In my new soon to be available book there […]

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The encounter

I was sitting on the railing. It was outside   a movie venue in Telluride at the film festival. A staff person came up to me and asked if I was Michael. She than said Michael’ last name.  I looked at her for a moment. My mind was spinning. I said no but that name […]

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A question

A question.  The why.  Time is racing by. The years keep flying by. Yet so many still are not telling their true story. Are not living a life of passion and fulfilled dreams. I spoke with someone yesterday about how so many are just phoning their life in.  Yet I have so many friends who […]

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These days

These days. You wonder will the center  hold. Will the better angels seize the hearts and minds of the people. Hour of the Wolf is that time when you wake up to the challenge. It becomes your individual choice.  How do you define yourself. Are you a hero or a victim. Choose to have a […]

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in these five breaths

each breath holds an answer. each breath tells a story. each breath is the first and last of its kind. it exists for only that moment.  think about it. amazing. your life exists in each breath and only in each breath. you live from breath to breath. take this moment to appreciate the gift of […]

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The singular moment

You can usually sense it. That singular moment when time, space, events, fate, and passion all meet. That exquisite experience when the moment is joined with the desire to do and be more.  In Hour of the Wolf I write about the hero’s moment. The high noon moment.  That moment when the challenge and the […]

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The narrow ledge

It is narrow.  It is a ledge. The fall is irreversible. The slip is consequential.  And yet we go on. To not go on is unthinkable. Life has to be lived fully. With each passing day the ledge gets narrower.  With each passing moment the fall is more likely yet we go on. We go […]

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Motorcycles and the ride

It has been a while. I hadn’t taken a motorcycle out on the North Carolina back roads in quite a while. The Yamaha was a new ride for me and the 4 of us headed out from Franklin through parts of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Twists, switchbacks, straight always and a few drops […]

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In These Five Breaths

What would you do in your last five breaths?  Can there be salvation in the last five breaths ?  Can you solve the puzzle that is you and your life in the last five breaths. This is the theme of my new book in progress. No breath is wasted. Each breath holds the promise of […]

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