About Paul

Author Archive | Paul

The living legacy

Well , I looked for one or more books that brings together my take on this improbable journey we are all on.  Although I found bits and  pieces here and there, I decided to see if I could put it down in one place. So  I started to write my story to see if it […]

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High five the day

The ageless experiment. The words just make sense to me. An experiment in ageless living. A challenge to live beyond categories. Live beyond boundaries. It applies to all ages and stages in life.  Don’t buy into some false restriction that others may want to impose on you. Live each day as the experiment that it […]

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The why of the day

Ever look out a window and just wonder. Just wonder why. Not any phrase after the word  “why”. Just why. Why we hustle around. Why we run here and there. Why we argue or need to win at all cost? Why?  I keep thinking that why should be taken off the table. It just doesn’t […]

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A light, a stroller and a lesson

It was early. It was around 6:30 am. I had just turned the corner heading to the Crossfit workout. It was still kind of dark. I saw them as I got to the red light. The young mother was pushing what looked to be a stroller. There was something different about it though. I couldn’t […]

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The spinning wheel

Here it is…another moment with the perfect song for that moment. Here we are swimming in change as I wrote about awhile ago and there is John Lennon. Of every great song there could be…the perfect one came on. Watching The Wheels is the song.  To me it is about blocking out the chatter of […]

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Embracing the unknown

What is beautiful to you? What gets your imagination flowing?  What brings a smile to your face…even at a rough spot in the day? What puts the light in your eyes? What inspires you? I would love to know what does those for you. For me it is the honest connection between us all. The […]

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The frozen pony

The song has been on my iPhone for a long time. I think I first heard it in the 60s. I didn’t hear it though as a stand alone song. I remember hearing it as I watched the movie…The Strawberry Statement. We were in Cape Cod. It was at the time between law school and […]

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The sparkle in the eye

The best we can do is honesty try our best. No one can really ask more than that. With good intentions, without any other agenda than the noble effort, that is all that can be expected of anyone.  Yet, so often we see the opposite of that. Odd. Find your truth. Uncover your voice. Let […]

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The majesty of the subtle

What stays with you? What lingers with you? What causes you to pause and reflect?  What stops you in your tracks?   For me, it is rarely things. It usually is some observation. Some passing image. Some subtle movement.  It is the space between the words. The silence in the midst of noise. The look […]

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Pushing past the ordinary

As we finished the Sunday Crossfit , which included 90 wall ball shots along with bench presses, clean and jerks, handstand holds and a bunch of other exercises, I wondered why we do it…especially on a Sunday morning. Then I realized why. Passion. Passion for the day. Passion for our journey each day. Passion for […]

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