About Paul

Author Archive | Paul

The glue that connects the pieces

As we gathered for the memorial service for a friend who left us too soon, many friends spoke of what they felt they lost with this loss. All were heart felt and moving. Each told a personal story of the connection and the meaning of her life. Of all the wonderful thoughts expressed two things […]

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What would you fight for….

What would you fight for? What would you sacrifice for? What would you give it up for?  Who would you stand with? Who would you protect? Who would you put it on the line for? Although you may think these are merely rhetorical question, I submit they are not rhetorical at all. Each day we […]

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The now has arrived

I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t stop smiling. The packing was done. The movers had moved. The flight to and from was over.  And here we were…thanksgiving at Crossfit . The sweat was pouring down. What exactly is 57 jumping rope times 5 plus everything else. It felt so good to get the stress and […]

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Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving.  A day of expressing gratefulness. A moment to be appreciative of family and friends. A day to sit down and share both a dinner and great conversation. My favorite moment is to sit in the family circle and listen to the expressions of grace. Grace. What a great word. This year I […]

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One more dance

The song came on and took me away. Maybe it was the song, the email I just got a moment before the song came on  and the movers carrying all the boxes and furntiture in from the truck. I don’t know. But…well, it got me thinking…again. Dance with my Father Again was the song. It […]

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Entering the unwritten world

First, you have to believe. It starts with that. Then, you have to envision it. But belief and envisioning just goes so far. In the end, it requires action. Being and doing go hand in hand. How often do we just hear the chatter. The complaining. The what ifs. But there is no commitment to […]

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Resurrection in the morning

Resurrection. Coming back to life. To me, it means coming back after a fall. Or a failing. Or a trauma. Or a loss. Or a disappointment. It is going to sleep at night with some burden but knowing and truly believing that the nighttime is a time of release of the weight and the morning […]

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The angel factor

I think it is a combination of his voice, the soulful guitar, the specific words, and the intangible feeling that you just want it to be so that makes me play the song over and over and think or dream about what could be . Willie Nelson is the voice. His guitar centerpiece of the […]

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A sigh and an echo

Have you ever been in such a quiet place that you could feel or sense your own pulse?  It is the sense of feeling the blood flowing through your body. Life running through your veins. You touch your wrist and feel the movement of life. As I sat in our home today and watched the […]

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Embracing uncertainty

So the boxes are boxed. The sale is done. The friends are dropping by and we are giving them memories to take with them. The charities are coming over the next few days to take items. The movers drop by tomorrow. As each person walked through our home they commented on the warmth and good […]

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