About Paul

Author Archive | Paul

Touching the void

We were so young when we moved into this house. 32 years ago. I remember when we first moved in. The house was abandoned and lonely. It was dark and so desparately needing in light. And we arrived. We walked in and decided to save the house. Slowly we started. Stripping the old wallpaper off […]

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The ride across the bridge

His nickname was blondie. It was his great mane of blond hair on top of that strapping build that did it. It was blondie  like a lion  might be called blondie out of respect. We first met as a newly formed gang of weekend warrior motorcycle riders met to head up to Daytona Beach for […]

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Alive and well

The packing continues. The pictures are coming down off the walls. The boxes are filling up each room. The years and memories are being boxed up and labeled. We slowly walk from room to room.  The stories are still there. But then I saw it sitting in the bottom of a draw that hadn’t been […]

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“wait up please”

I heard him call out from the back of the store. His voice was loud and clear. It was also filled with anxiety. I turned to see what was happening.  I stood there and a sadness fell over me. The voice came from a little boy about 6 years old. He was calling out to […]

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Peace and memory

I never read anything like it before. At least I don’t recall. I am sure that it has happened often but I never read anything like it before. It just stopped me cold. It sent a chill up my spine. I literally shuttered. The obituary told the story of a once prominent person. A person […]

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I think it is the innocence of it all that always gets me. The ladybug or princess or butterfly costume that the little ones wear as if the universe depended on it. You watch as they walk up to the door and shyly says “trick or treat”. Innocence. What a concept. Sincerity. What a thought. […]

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The hidden place

I remember the day we first saw her. She needed a lot of work. She was neglected. She needed attention and some family to really care for her. The kids were little then. She was so big and had all kinds of hiding places. We got Cheyenne then. This sweet golden retriever slowly took over […]

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The wave, the sea wall and the gift

The moment was powerful, awe inspiring, frightening and chilling. The two of us decided to take a morning walk on the beach. The storm was long past us but the ocean was still aggressive and the waves were bigger than we had seen in a long time. So my friend and I left the warmth […]

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The edge of discovery

The Razor’s Edge. What a great book. It was made into two movies. But it is the book that I revisit every few years. The story is deep and textured but, in the end, it is about the choices we all make in our lives. We find ourselves on the edge of decisions. We find […]

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278 in red

I found the hat. Ever just go crazy for some item that is meaningless to everyone else but hits you just right.  Nonsensical yet for some reason touches you somewhere you just can’t explain. For me it was this hat. Then I thought I lost it. Tonight it was found. Okay…I know not earth shattering […]

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