About Paul

Author Archive | Paul

A gentle gesture

It  was just so sweet. I mean really sweet. He held his hand out to help her, she took his hand and they held hands the entire way across the street.  Once across they thanked each other and went their separate ways. I watched as this simple moment played out. For some reason small moments […]

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The ageless bookshelf

It  kind of happened by accident. There was some planning but not really. It  just took shape over the years. As I sit in the den and look at the bookcase my eyes wander the collection of things placed here and there on the shelves. We all have those places. Those shelves. Those stories. A […]

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Lost or found

There is this barbed wire fence. It is built high. It is rolling barbed wire spun around wood posts and metal stakes. It is wide too.  Too wide to high jump over. A fall would place you in great harm’s way. The fence separates the present condition from the future possibility. It is there so […]

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The way we still are

We sat having our semi regular lunch.  Aren’t good friendships the best.  Easy. Simple.Relaxed. Open. Supporting. Fun.  Honest. Respectful and caring. After lunch we strolled over for our Starbucks drink. We sat and the conversation made its way to the great song…The Way We Were. The way we were. Well it got me thinking about […]

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A place beyond time

The twelfth of never. A place outside of or beyond or unrelated to time. It is a great song. For some reason I was and still am drawn to it. Simple. Beautiful.  Haunting. What is meaningful to you. What does unconditional devotion look and feel like.  It is a feeling beyond time and space. It […]

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Living outside of expectations

How did you spend your Sunday morning. What is your routine. Was it sleeping in? Was it the Sunday paper? A brunch?  Meeting up with friends for coffee? Sundays are great. There are so many possibilities. A long walk.  An early glass of wine.  For us it was our Crossfit Sunday.  Short,sweaty, exhausting, challenging and […]

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A bold life

Diving deep or just shallow surface. Getting dirty or not making even a ripple.  Being so neat and tidy or ending it all a bit bruised and battered.  I vote for the deep dive, the getting dirty and the bruises and getting a bit battered. I need to know it was lived fully. We have […]

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A swing and a release

It seemed simple enough. I mean there was the 12 minute run and the bench presses, but the WOD itself was a few letters and a number…KB 150. For crossfitters it was kettle bell swings 150 times. But every minute on the minute, stop to do 5 box jumps.  Not a complicated exercise. Nothing fancy […]

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The magic of the first time

Do you remember the first time. The very first time. You never did it before so it was really the first time. And you knew it at the time. You realized that this was the first time. I suppose the last time you do it it will be just as memorable but I have to […]

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A loving moment

Time. What a trickster. It takes on a life of its own. It is this bucking horse rising in the air, twisting and turning , hitting the ground and rising again. You think you got a grip on it but it is all an illusion.  You don’t and you never did. So what to do […]

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