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Author Archive | Paul

A bubble popped

Bubbles. They are everywhere. It seems like everyone travels in their own bubble. Some times groups travel in together bubbles. You might think that together bubbles are a good thing but it just appears to reinforce a bubble agenda. A  type of isolation. Bubbles seem like it is a safe place but I just don’t […]

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An imperfect lunch

We sat across from each other at the restaurant. It was a long way from the lunch counter we used to sit at in the early years.  Today it was at a swanky spot with all the bells and whistles that swanky spots are known for. Yet within a few minutes we were just those […]

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The flipping coin

It is as if there is this coin flipping over and over in the air on its way to hittng the ground. Then it hits, bounces around and spins a bit and ends up heads or tails….life or death. Adventure or sameness. Doing or not doing. Being or not being. But the coin is always […]

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Swimming in change

I was standing in line at a Starbucks in Valdosta,Georgia. Some times comments just hit you in the most unexpected places. The lady in front of me was ordering her coffee and the girl behind the counter said that she hadn’t seen her for a while. She asked where she had been and what’s up. […]

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A drive through America

We have been on the road for three days now.  Left Niwot and headed to Lawrence,Kansas. Then over to Clarksville, Tennessee and across to Valdosta , Georgia . Tomorrow we arrive in Miami, Florida. It is a little over 2,000 miles. What is so interesting about it was  how we just became part of the […]

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Letting go and finding the sweet spot

What matters. What has meaning. What do you spend your time thinking about. What do you share. What do you hide. What would you give it all up for. What would you walk away from. What would make you stay.  What gives you peace. What ties you in knots. What does a day mean to […]

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A walk through time

A walk. A simple, uncomplicated walk. Maybe a stroll. A stroll through a forest. Or maybe along the beach. How about over a mountain range. Not too hard. Nice slopes. Or warm sand between your toes. Maybe a walk through the mall or down the small town small shops. Not buying anything. No goal in […]

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Finite meet infinite

The comment keeps swirling around in my mind. It was told to me so long ago yet, as each year goes by, it makes more and more sense to me. “Man plans and GOD laughs”. We  try so hard to control events. We actually believe we can figure it out and plan out the beginning, […]

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A motorcycle and a dance in time

I saddled up the Harley early. There was a wonderful chill in the air. I bundled up and put on a face mask under my helmet. The Patagonia vest was perfect under the leather jacket. It was a cold ride especially when the speeds got up to 65 mph. I passed folks in their cars […]

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A path to the stage

I couldn’t tell how old they were. Some looked more tired than others but the age was tough to call. What did seem to separate them was the  smile on their faces or not. Some were just so serious. You could tell that they were measuring each word spoken or  each position taken. Some just […]

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