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Author Archive | Paul

Route 66 and the back roads

The red jeep turned off Niwot Road and headed up to Hygiene,Colorado. From there it made its way to Highway 66.  What is it about that road that puts a smile on my  face. Maybe it is remembering an earlier time when the TV show Route 66 was on and traveling around the country  meeting […]

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The century challenge

You  ask why. What is the purpose.  But both during and after it makes perfect sense.  The Crossfit today included the century situp challenge. 100 situps as fast as possible. Understanding that this was just the warm up I realized it  was going to be a sweaty morning. The situps were done in my new […]

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The unknown possibility

Embracing the unknown.  If you keep doing the same thing you probably are going to get the same result.  Maybe not, but the odds are good that same equals same. Yet, if you decide to release the same and walk toward the unknown, the possibilities are multiplied that  an adventure awaits you. There is a […]

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A date with destiny

9/11. You think about the day. You think about the date. You think about the tragedy. You reflect on the loss. The death. The horror. The sadness. The breaking apart of families and dreams about what was to be and never will be.  And yet, you then think about the resilience. The spirit. The courage. […]

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Magic and the wand

She walked in….no, rather she bounced, skipped and hopped in, carrying her magic wand and talking about how it made everything she touched it with beautiful. As the day wore on, we played, talked and shared tall stories. As the day went on we saw a parade, awed at the horses and riders in grand […]

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The ultimate gift

She. Doesn’t that just say it all. She just makes things clearer. She cuts through the nonsense. She gets to the core of the core. She doesn’t buy into the tall stories. She seeks and requests the simple truth.  She enters the room and the light goes on. I marvel at the authentic quality of […]

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It’s all good in the big top

It’s all good. That was the comment and the commitment. It was said almost matter of factly.  It’s all good. It was said at a moment in time when anyone else would have said anything but that. It was a challenging moment. It was a time when it would be easy to turn away and […]

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It’s impossible not to dream

It’s Impossible.  For some reason that song always was played by my dad when I was growing up. It was one of the few albums he bought that he would play on the little mono record player in the corner room up the stairs, at the end of his 12 hour work day. It was […]

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Camelot and the quest

Can there be a heroic way to live a life especially in a time that seems so unheroic.  The day is filled with such nonsense and triviality. Fame is found by the good, the bad and the terrible on a regular basis.  The media chases after the unusual, even if it is the baddest of […]

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The look up and out

Soul of the earth. That is what I call him.  I don’t know his name. I don’t know where he comes from. For years he has simply stood there, arms folded, looking out over the horizon. The blanket is covering his shoulders. He looks completely content. He looks completely whole. He gives me the sense […]

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